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Digital Marketing

What is Digital Marketing?

Quick Answer:
“Digital Marketing is a platform to reach consumers. It is a broad field where customer can be engaged through different digital marketing strategy.”
UrbanArts helps business to achieve their target audience through the Internet of Things (IOT).

When Digital Marketing is started?

First web banner went live in 1993 that was the good initiative towards Digital Marketing. This was the beginning of the Digital Marketing Era. So it can be concluding that Digital Marketing is growing through ages and technologies that bring chunks of opportunities for users and businesses. UrbanArts offers to establish your business’ presence digitally and you can use all the opportunities meticulously.

There are some examples of digital marketing

  • Social Media Profiles
  • Website
  • Images and Video Content
  • Blog Posts and eBooks
  • Reviews and Customer Testimonials
  • Branded Logos, Images, or Icons
logo 1
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Why Digital Marketing is important?

  • The world has 7.7 Billion People and 4.4 Billion people use devices through internet.
  • Around 30% of consumers interact with brands via social channels.

To be competitive business approach UrbanArts makes your business present on all social channels.

Types of Digital Marketing:

In this era marketing relies on technology that gives all inclusive performance of analytics of a business website and all social media forums. UrbanArts works on the following types:

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

Its a technical marketing tool that makes web pages attractive to search engines. Following features unpredictability involved SEO and makes it an art an art. Google changes SEO algorithm and rank website high constantly.

2. Content Writing:

Content writing distribution based on SEO and that content target the required audience. The goal of content marketing results potential clients.

There are plenty of stats to prove content marketing:

  • 84% of consumers expects companies to entertain and helpful content
  • 62% of companies produce content through 5000 employees respectively
  • 92% marketers have belief that content increase value of their business

Effective content writer build company ranking high and make people read, share and interact with their brands to build strong relationship.

3. Social Media Marketing:

It builds brand awareness and driving traffic for more engagement through popular social forums i.e

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Tweeter
  • Linked In
  • You Tube

Social Media marketing is the fastest forum where any business can build engagement metrics which are extremely useful to reach respective business audience also transfers traffic to website.
To learn more about social media marketing please click here

4. Pay-per-click Marketing

Pay-per-click (PPC) is used to post an Ad on a platform and paying every time someone clicks on the Ad. Algorithm priorities each available Ad on number of clicks as per following factors:

  • Ad quality
  • Landing Page
  • Keywords selection
  • Landing Page quality
  • Bid amount

5. Affiliate Marketing:

UrbanArts deals affiliate marketing that works for any business promotion as a promoter.
It works using a sharing revenue model.
Affiliate Partnership with UrbanArts:

As a retailer UrbanArts manages the following affiliate marketing:

Following are the companies’ marketing managed by UrbanArts though Landster FaceBook, instagram and YouTube

  • Earthlink
  • Eighteen
  • Rudn Enclave
  • Mivida

6. Native Advertising:

Paid Ads matches the look, feel and function of the media lay out in which the Ads appear. Native Ads usually shown in social forums feed and take traffic to website through the given link.

7. Email Marketing:

It’s a simple concept for a promotional message and hoping the prospects clicks on it. The execution of this strategy is more complexed.

Following are the points for Email Marketing:

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Bahria Town, Islamabad.

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